After many years of working with and in churches and ministries, we have observed that most tend to share some of the same problems and challenges. Below are some of these common problems along with our offering of some simple, effective and creative solutions for you to explore and hopefully implement!
Ministry Leader Training
Problem: How do you effectively and efficiently, teach and train volunteer ministry and small group leaders to be passionate, effective disciple makers?
Grey Matter Solution
Most ministry staff believe if they just had a few more great volunteer leaders, they could change the world! Everyone wants them, but who makes them? To help with this process we have devised a simple framework and set of resources to help you change the culture and DNA of your ministry team, using the minimal time that you and they have, producing not just great volunteers, but effective disciple makers!
Producing Practitioners
Problem: How do you efficiently and effectively train people to become not just knowledgeable about their faith, but learn how to become a practitioner and live it out?
Grey Matter Solution
So much of what we do in the modern church, whether its our services, conferences, or small groups, focuses on increasing people’s spiritual information/knowledge, which often doesn’t translate into action. To combat this, we have developed some creative tools and church paradigms that can help people not just know more, but also engage with truth, develop skills, and grow in community. Learn how to better produce faith practitioners today!
Missional Meats
Problem: How do we effectively foster community and open conversations to build close and loving relationships in our present culture?
Grey Matter Solution
Few things in life bring people together like sharing a meal, especially a good meal! This type of hospitality has been largely lost in our society, but new technology has made possible the preparation of restaurant quality meats at home, for a fraction of the cost, and at the push of a button. Learn how to facilitate community over an epic meal and join the Missional Meats Movement today!