Ministry Leader Training.
PROBLEM: How do you effectively and efficiently, teach and train volunteer ministry and small group leaders to be passionate, effective disciple makers?
SOLUTION: We have developed a simple framework and set of resources to help you change the DNA of your ministry volunteers, to be more effective disciple makers!
Do you struggle to effectively train & equip your volunteers and “lay leaders”?
(Download Free Guide or continuing learning more below!)
Solution Overview.
Every ministry is different. Different context, different backgrounds, different resources, different cultures… different needs. This is why we have worked out a simple framework of different elements that you can use to develop and tailor your own custom volunteer leader training approach. One that best fits your needs!
Cultural vs. Structural.
The problem in most churches is not the structure, as most have volunteer leaders regularly meeting with small numbers of congregants. The problem is the culture or DNA of the leaders. Do the leaders see themselves as simply “meeting facilitators” or life changing “disciple makers” of Jesus? This framework is focused on changing culture!
Significant, but Achievable.
You get out, what you put in. Training great leaders doesn’t happen in a handful of 1-hour teaching sessions, but the typical congregant can’t get a seminary degree either. This solution is about real investment for real results, yet is still attainable by most from a time and effort perspective.
Coaching and Modeling.
In order to make real and effective lifestyle changes in the way someone serves and shepherds people, you need coaching and modeling, in addition to instruction. People need to see it done, be corrected, and also encouraged when they struggle. This solution focuses on more than instruction, but something akin to personal trainer in a “Spiritual Gym”.