Producing Practitioners.

PROBLEM: How do you efficiently and effectively train people to become not just knowledgeable about their faith, but learn how to become a practitioner and live it out?

SOLUTION: To reimagine Sunday mornings, church services, and small group time to be engaging experiences of wrestling with truth, practicing life skills, and growing in vibrant community.

How should we instruct?

It is the difference between colleges and trade schools, between lectures, papers, and exams and becoming proficient at a skill by seeing it and practicing it. The question is should Christian instruction be Intellectual Teaching or Practical Training? The answer is clearly both! Presently in the church 90%+ of our instruction is of the “teaching” variety and even that we could do better. For example, you would never expect to take a collegiate class, only attend the lecture, and become proficient with the information without ever doing the reading, studying, engaging in discussions, and writing papers, but that is essentially what we do… We need to revisit our instruction methods to help produce practical skills in the faith along with grounding people in concepts and theory.


Teaching reimagined…

How do we help people not just listen and forget, but actually wrestle with difficult concepts, to truly internalize them. To help people have a working knowledge of Biblical concepts such that they can readily apply them to the myriad or challenges they face in life. How do we incorporate the intellectual rigor of colleges and universities to our faith-based teaching?

Training reimagined…

How do we incorporate “skills” development within our faith instruction? Think training like “merit badges” in scouts, military boot camp, trade school curriculum, or sports practices. What are the faith based skills that every believer should be proficient at? Proficient like soldier’s ability to field strip a rifle. How do we model faith and train people to live likewise?


Explore practical solutions to reimagining “church instruction” below!


Sundays & Services Reimagined!


Sermonless Sundays.

Have you ever considered completely reimagining the way you do Sunday mornings? To the point of even removing the sermon…? In this creative approach to church we explore what it means to truly engage congregants in the Sunday morning experience, helping them to truly become participants instead of spectators.


“Hands-On” Church Services.

One of the greatest challenges to the effectiveness of church services is the time between when people hear the teaching and when they put it into practice. What if you could greatly shorten that time? In fact, what if you shortened the sermon time and actually put into practice the sermon content during the service? You could bring “hands-on” learning to church services!

Small Group Content Reimagined!

Do you feel like your church Small Group or Bible Study has become sterile and lifeless, without any challenge or variety? Is it simply making you a little smarter, but not helping you be transformed into a well-equipped Christ follower? We have developed a simple tool to help transform your Small Group gatherings into a training ground for life!

OnDeck Logo White.png

Innovative Discipleship Tool

is an interactive group “game/activity” that helps you prepare or get “on deck” with your Faith! Unlike most faith-based instruction, OnDeck forces you to wrestle with truth more deeply, practice skills for life, and build community. Whether as part of a Church Small Group or Bible Study, Home School Group, Youth Group, or as a Family, get On Deck today!

Want support implementing these concepts?

We offer personalized consulting services to help you fulfill your God-given Mission!